About Us

Respire Coffeehouse came about after many years of vision casting and dreaming about making it possible.  The building that we are located in called The Legacy Center has always been a place of vision for community and building relationships. When moving into the facility in 2016, the original vision was to create a space where people could relax, rest, recuperate, and connect with other people. 

The heart behind our coffeehouse is that people could come to an area of town and find a place to relax, rest and “breathe again”

Our hope is that Respire is a place that people can come to take a break from whatever difficult current situation they may be going through and that they find a place where they could breathe again. We also trust that our users will see a space to connect with others and build lasting relationships in an environment, where they know they are recognized as more than a face as more than a customer but truly part of a community who cares. 

Our coffeehouse desires to creates connection and provide nourishment of soul and body.

Our thoughts were something like a community hall, a safe place for families and the community to come and belong.  Many people travelled from a far to receive chiropractic care from one of the tenants of the building. These individuals often made friends with other members. They ran into family members that they hadn’t seen for quite some time and  through these interactions, the idea was born that being able to provide a service like a coffee house to allow for connection to occur and also meet the need of providing nourishment at the same time.